Monday, January 25, 2010

Quote of the Week

"Every moment of life is precious and magical. We experience this not by striving to be happy, but by focusing, in a relaxed way, on the present moment. Most unhappiness comes from regrets about the past or worries about the future, both of which are greatly diminished by gently focusing on the present moment."

(from Yoga Demystified - The Wonder of Being Alive,


kara said...

The older I get - the easier this process gets...

A Plain Observer said...

if I ever agreed with anything 100% this quote would be it

Vern said...

Kara and Myriam: Thanks for the comments! Seems like I keep running across quotes that strike me as inspiring and profound, and thought I'd start featuring a few here!

Teniah Ashlyn said...

Very profound and so true....definitely a worthy focus! Thanks for sharing, Vern.

Vern said...

Teniah, this is from a short e-book that may be downloaded from the site. It doesn't even touch on the physical side of yoga, but rather the mental and meditative side. I have found many inspiring thoughts in it!
