Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Bhagavad Gita - In Discussion

The Bhagavad Gita is really essential reading for aspiring yogis.  This "New Translation" was recommended highly by the Elephant Journal, one of my favorite yoga places to visit.  I picked up this version a few months ago, read it, and I'm now reading it again.  There is endless nuance in the text that is likely to continue to unfold in reading after reading.  I like to sit in bed and read a passage from the book every night just before I go to sleep.  The stillness of this quiet part of the evening seems perfect to reflect on the timeless words therein.  I'll probably re-read it many times.

A reason I bought this version of the Gita at the time was because of the formation of an online discussion group at the Elephant Journal to read and comment on the passages.  I got a late start, bought the book after the discussion had already begun, and never quite caught up.   It was also my first reading of the Gita.  I read most of the discussions, but with my newness to the text, wasn't really comfortable with full participation.

Last week, a second discussion group began.  I intend to follow it and try to participate to some extent.  They really welcome newcomers and readers of all levels.  There's an interesting difference in the current format.  The first discussion group followed the text from beginning to end.  The current discussion reviews the text thematically.  For each weekly discussion, sections from the entire book that speak to a thematic concept are subject for discussion.  For example, last week's topic followed the theme of "Live and Act with Love and Purpose."  The stanzas that spoke to the week's theme were published online for viewers' reading and comments.  So, the current discussions don't even require one to have a copy of the book!  What could be easier? 

The second weekly topic was just published today, "Experience the Infinite Wonder of All Things and of Everyday Life."

Intrigued?  It's not too late for any of my readers who are interested in yoga or yogic philosophy to join in! 


Brittany said...

I will have to check out this book! Thanks for sharing

Vern said...

As a modern-day aspiring yogi, I found it interesting to read a ~2,000 year old text in which yogic philosophy is defined!

It is written in verse and is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna on the eve of a battle. In the course of the conversation, Krishna reveals the ways of yoga.

Shawna @ My Nails Did said...

sounds like an interested format! i followed along for a few weeks last time, however was too busy preparing for my teacher training to continue!

Vern said...

This format looks easier to keep up with-- the text is posted online, takes maybe 5 or 10 minutes to read, and a few minutes to reflect on and post a discussion thread or comment.